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Sentence | Classification of Sentence |

Sentence and its classification
Sentence-Connected With Each Other

Usually, we all speak the things that our mind told us to say so. But, did we imaging that how or which type of media we use to speak? I didn’t think about this type of imagination. Not only I but also you all didn’t imagine so. Now the question is “Which type of media we use to speak?” I am Md. Anwar Hossain. I will discuss about this and will try to take it In front of you. Welcome you to Connected With Each Other.I think some of them whom are reading or watching this video know the answer. Now I am telling that. The medium we use to speak is “Sentence.”

All the thoughts, emotions, feelings etc. we express through the help of Sentence. There is also a question “Do we know about the Sentence?” Exactly we all know something about Sentence but not properly. What should we do now? How can we know about the sentences?

Don’t be panic. I am presenting the matter as simple as I can. I will try my best to explain it easily and briefly. So, let’s start.

First of all, we should know the definition of Sentence. What is Sentence? Let’s know it first.

Sentence is a group of words which makes a complete sense. This will be easy with the help of an example. Just say for example;

Rina goes to school.

Here Rina,goes,to,school are some words. After combining all these words, we get a sense and this called a sentence. Now we can also give more example like this one.

During night it is not possible to study without electricity.
Do you want to play football? Read attentively.
What a mess!
May you be happy etc.

The Sentence is classifying according two categories. They are-
1. According to the meaning
2. According to the structure.

According to the meaning; there are five kinds of sentences. They are;
1. Assertive Sentence
2. Interrogative Sentence,
3. Imperative Sentence
4. Optative Sentence
5. Exclamatory Sentence.

Assertive Sentence

Now let’s learn about Assertive Sentence. What is the definition of Assertive Sentence? Let’s learn it.

A sentence that makes a statement or assertion is called an Assertive Sentence. Now clear it by some examples;
Bangladesh is my mother land.
He is not a bad boy.

Here the sentence Bangladesh is my mother land and he is not a bad boy make an assertion. So, these are the Assertive Sentence.

There are two types of Assertive Sentence. They are;
1. Affirmative Sentence
2. Negative Sentence.

Affirmative Sentence

The Sentence in which something affirmed is called an Affirmative Sentence. As example;
They are running in the field.
Here by the Sentence “they are running in the field” is expressed simple affirmation. So, it is an Affirmative Sentence.

Negative Sentence

The Sentence in which something is denied is called a Negative Sentence. Say for example;
He is not an honest man.
Here by the Sentence “He is not an honest man” is denied something. So, this is a Negative Sentence.

Interrogative Sentence

What is an Interrogative Sentence? We will learn it now. A Sentence that asks a question is called an Interrogative Sentence. Say for example;
What’s your name?
Where do you live?
Here by these Sentences asking something. So, these are the Interrogative Sentence.

There are two types of Interrogative Sentence. They are;
1. Yes/No Question
2. WH-Question.

Yes/No Question
The questions that can be answered by yes or no is called a Yes/No Question. As example;
Was he reading English?
Is he a student?
Here these two questions can be answered by yes or no. So, these are Yes/No Question.


The questions that cannot be answered by yes or no is called a WH-Question. There should be a detail answer in WH-Question. Say for example;
Which is your book?
Who knows his fortune?
Here these two questions cannot be answer by yes or no. There should be a detail answer. So, these are WH-Question.

Imperative Sentence

Sentence that expresses a command, request or advice etc. is called an Imperative Sentence. Say for example;
Wait here until I come
Please help the poor
Always speak the truth.
Here by these sentences expressed command, request or advice. So, these are the Imperative Sentence.

Optative Sentence

The Sentence that expresses a prayer or wish of the speaker is called a Optative Sentence. As example;
May you be happy in life
I wish your good luck.
Here these sentences express the wish and prayer of the speaker. So, these are Optative Sentence.

Exclamatory Sentence

A Sentence that indicates an emotion or a strong feeling is called a Exclamatory Sentence.
What a wonderful novel it is!
How sweetly the cuckoo sings!
Here these sentences indicate an emotion or a strong feeling. So, these are the Exclamatory Sentence.

According to the structure, there are three types of Sentence. They are;
1. Simple Sentence
2. Complex Sentence
3. Compound Sentence.

Simple Sentence

When a Sentence contains one subject or one finite verb is called a Simple Sentence. Say for example;
The boy reads a book;
they play football in the field.
Here these sentences contain one subject “The boy” and “they” and one finite verb “reads” and “paly” So these are the Simple Sentences.

Note: We will learn finite in the classification of verb.

Complex Sentence

When a Sentence contains one principle clause and one or more than one Subordinate clause is called a Complex Sentence. As example;
We know that he would come.
Here “We know” is a subordinate clause and “He would come” is a principle clause. So, it is a Complex Sentence.

Compound Sentence

When a Sentence has more than one principle clause joined together by coordinating conjunction is called a Compound Sentence. As example;
He came here and fought with me.
Here “he came here” and “fought with me” are two principle clauses which joined together with coordinating conjunction “and”. So, it is a Compound Sentence.

Note: We will learn principle and subordinate clause in detail in classification of clause.

Article Writer: Md Anwar Hossain
Website: Connected With Each Other

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